iPAD - HOW TO CONNECT iPAD TO WIFI PURPOSE Connect the iPad to the Mister Car Wash WIFI network and start using the iPad. PROCESS To connect the iPad to the correct network please go through the following steps: Open the settings on your iPad. Select WI-FI Choose the “MCWSecure” network and click connect. The applications and links on the iPad are controlled by our device management software. When the need arises (e.g., functionality is added, or bugs are fixed) we will push out updated versions of the applications. To ensure that your iPad will receive the updated versions, please make sure you properly close the Mister app after each time you use it. To close the app, double-click the home button and swipe up on the application you wish to close. If you leave the Mister app open, updated versions will not get pushed to your iPad, and that may cause the app to not function properly. If while using the Mister app you encounter any errors or problems, please send a detailed description of the issue to IT Technical Support at MisterIT@mistercarwash.com Ideally you would include the exact steps you took leading up to the problem. The more information you provide, the better we can troubleshoot the issue. HISTORY Issue Date Updated by Revisions 2017-10-19 System Document Created 2023-11-7 Andrew Poskey Formatting Updated